Discover how to measure inflation with various indices, such as the consumer price index (CPI). Learn how to protect an investment portfolio from inflation.
Expand your knowledge with our latest informative articles and helpful resources on macroeconomics. Start making more informed decisions today.
How Does Inflation Affect Bonds? Everything Investors Need To Know
High inflation drags bond prices down and harms the real returns of portfolios. Learn how inflation affects bonds and the top tactics to defend against it.
What Is Inflation? Everything Investors Need To Know
Inflation measures the rate at which prices for goods and services increase. Discover the different types and their effect on economies worldwide.
What Is Stagflation? Everything Investors Need To Know
Stagflation is a rare economic malfunction that comes with a deadly combination of high inflation, low growth, and high unemployment.
What Is Hyperinflation? Everything Investors Need To Know
Hyperinflation is the rapid and out-of-control rise of prices in an economy. While rare, it can lead to massive disruption in an economy and society.